The world’s first (it’s never the world’s second, now is it?) Dog Swimming Gala took place in London this week.
It came as a result of a brief from the lovely people at which was about to hit the UK having become a pretty big deal Stateside.
We needed something that would show that are the dog people. That they treat your pet pooch just as well as you would. Or as well as they’d treat any human being.
So, it being the summer, we put our minds to thinking about what humans might get up to that we could put on for the nation’s dogs.
Naturally, swimming galas came immediately to mind.
As a result, some top class canines hit the water to take part in a rather unique event.
And when it came to the results, it’d be fair to say that the Swimming Gala was a sell-out success.
Before the event took place there were pieces across METRO, TimeOut, Lonely Planet and a ton of listings sites.
Then there were some absolutely crackers from the event itself, including The Guardian (which also made it a centrefold DPS in the Eyewitness slot – PR bucket list done), Daily Mail, ITV, London Live and around 200 regionals thanks to a mega-hit from the team at PA. Oh, and thanks to Reuters using our video there were another 50 or so videos splashed across the web.
One story that was anything but a dog.