We launched MewTube for Argos to help the nation’s Black Friday shoppers find a moment of calm during their hunt for an online bargain
25th November 2017

We launched MewTube for Argos to help the nation’s Black Friday shoppers find a moment of calm during their hunt for an online bargain

We’ve been hitting the media left right and centre over the last couple of weeks, all with the aim of making Argos the home of Black Friday.

Our latest project had us providing some re-“tail” therapy that had media “purring” with excitement …

Yup, we launched “Mew-Tube”… a dedicated kitten channel designed to help sooth frazzled deal hunters.

The pre-recorded channel was launched to the press with a 20 second teaser and exceptionally cute imagery. It proved the internet is full of kitten-themed gifs and memes for good reason … nothing soothes a mind or brings unfettered joy quite like a feline.   

Coverage promptly landed across METRO, Daily Star, BBC, BT.com, The Drum, Trusted Reviews and LBC alongside a whole host of regionals.  

So without further ado, take a moment to yourself, turn on Mew-Tube and watch our kittens snuggle, sleep and play with some of this year’s top gifts.

After the past few weeks of deals madness, the kitty stream left us fe-line pretty relaxed. Now it’s our turn to snap up some amazing bargains, before it’s too late.

We’ve been working our paws off on IKEA’s latest campaign, helping find pets their forever home
The team has been helping Greggs turn a store in Newcastle into a full-blown rave with North East DJ legend
IKEA’s been news hi-jacking towel-based outfits again … and driving some bang-on brand messages at the same time
We've been having heaps of festive fun launching Greggs’ first foray into fine dining with the launch of "Bistro Greggs" in Fenwicks Newcastle

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