The Royal Mint team has been at it again, waking up to more national print coverage than you can shake a stick at this morning …
19th February 2018

The Royal Mint team has been at it again, waking up to more national print coverage than you can shake a stick at this morning …

The Royal Mint team has been at it again this morning as we launched the latest range of Beatrix Potter coins.

Four coins – featuring The Taylor of Gloucester, Peter Rabbit, Mrs Tittlemouse and Flopsy Bunny – have just gone on sale via The Royal Mint website.

With a story this good, we were never going to over-egg the pudding when it came to assets. So we worked with the lovely people at the V&A to access their archive of original books and illustrations for a quick photoshoot and off we went.

The rewards have been ample.

Print pieces across The Guardian, The Times, Metro, CITY AM, Daily Mail, The Sun and I Paper. Alongside a raft of phenomenal online coverage including the BBC, Evening Standard, The Times, Daily Express, Daily Mail, Herald, iNews and dozens of regional titles.

We’ve been working our paws off on IKEA’s latest campaign, helping find pets their forever home
The team has been helping Greggs turn a store in Newcastle into a full-blown rave with North East DJ legend
IKEA’s been news hi-jacking towel-based outfits again … and driving some bang-on brand messages at the same time
We've been having heaps of festive fun launching Greggs’ first foray into fine dining with the launch of "Bistro Greggs" in Fenwicks Newcastle

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