Mealtimes Re-mastered by IKEA as we took the media by storm with our latest food-based story for the brand …
23rd November 2014

Mealtimes Re-mastered by IKEA as we took the media by storm with our latest food-based story for the brand …

We were after a cunning plan to make IKEA’s “Entertain and Celebrate” campaign an editorial wonder.

For some reason or another we thought it’d make sense to take some masterpiece paintings of mealtimes through history and photograph them with contemporary characters and settings – of course with all the plates, knives, bowls and other paraphernalia replaced with IKEA’s own range.

Picking a series of three photographs, Van Gogh’s “Potato Eaters”, Renoir’s “Luncheon of the Boating Party” and Hopper’s “Nighthawks”, we worked with the brilliant Tim Cole to create the images – which were largely styled by the creative talents of the H&G team.

Coverage to date has been quite spot on … Daily Mail, Daily Mirror (er … twice), a DPS in the print edition of the METRO, the Independent. Plus the usual selection of creative and trends sites … Creative BoomeCreativityPSFK, the BrushStroke







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