We’ve been helping Get Living spread some community spirit by shining a light on one particularly talented East Village resident
20th April 2020

We’ve been helping Get Living spread some community spirit by shining a light on one particularly talented East Village resident

Since lockdown was announced we have seen lots of stories about people spreading joy in their neighbourhoods, whether sharing homemade banana bread or street-coordinated dance parties …

So, after reading the tweets of London’s East Village residents reporting a balcony opera performance from one of their neighbours, we decided to investigate further.

After tracking down the talented performer, acclaimed opera singer Phoebe Haines, we made sure not to miss her next performance.

Last Wednesday night Phoebe took to her balcony and treated her neighbours to classical renditions of much-loved songs “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and “Amazing Grace”, met by cheers and support from other East Village residents.

With her neighbours capturing video from the opposite balcony and posting on Twitter, we shared the footage with media along with Phoebe’s story, revealing that she is in fact a freelance musician who’s used to travelling further than her balcony for international performances.

The team did a cracking job, securing 150 pieces of national and regional pieces of coverage in the likes of Daily Mail, The Independent and Evening Standard.

Now how’s that for community spirit?

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