Wanna get kids involved in science? Make some mince pies from sustainable sources … in this case some mealworms and grasshoppers. Obviously
28th November 2014

Wanna get kids involved in science? Make some mince pies from sustainable sources … in this case some mealworms and grasshoppers. Obviously

The Big Bang team has been at it again. Hot on the heels of such marvels as the Cell-fies, the Brussel Sprout Christmas Tree, the science of the movies and a wee sojourn into the world of vlogging, we’ve been making … wait for it …

Mince Files.

Perhaps the worst Christmas pun in the world this week and the story has … er … flown.

The schtick is that we’re all going to need to find new forms of protein for our diets in  the future – the environmental costs of cows, chickens, pigs and (of course) turkeys is simply too high. So when it comes to a high source nutrition at the lowest environmental cost, insects are the answer.

So we worked with Gastronaut Stefan Gates to invent the Mince Fly.

The fact that we took him and some South London school kids to Borough Market to test out these marvels on the general public generated some awesome coverage, including Daily Star (just in print), Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, METRO, Independent, Daily Mirror, a stunner on BT.com and a stint on the ITV evening news – amongst many other pieces too numerous to list.

All of it featuring awesome Big Bang Young Scientist and Engineers Fair messaging, dates and calls to action.

We’re also going to be on the Wright Stuff and have a spot booked on Sunday Brunch. So plenty more to come.

Job. Done. For now.

Starting the year strong we've been working with Oxfam to create the "Fair Pour" - a "protest in a pint glass"
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We’ve been working with CALM to launch a series of films called “This Is Not A Drill” with The British Arrows
We’ve been helping Pepsi Spain launch Pepsi Ring, the latest innovation to hit the beauty world
The team has been banishing “data darkness” with Virgin Media O2 to raise awareness of the UK households living in data poverty this Christmas

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