Time for an O2 Refresh … our latest piece of work hits the streets (quite literally on this occasion)
20th April 2013

Time for an O2 Refresh … our latest piece of work hits the streets (quite literally on this occasion)

Challenged with how to launch O2’s latest, greatest tariff, O2 Refresh, we came up with a spot of magic.

No, seriously, we came up with a bit of a digital and social stunt based on magic.

See O2 Refresh enables tech fans to update their phones when they want to – just like magic.

So we had a bit of a media and blogger party for 74 of the finest, friendliest bunch of media pundits that you could ever hope to get in a room at one time.

But this wasn’t just any old party. See we wanted an event that people would talk about.

So we brought in the lovely Ollie B, close-up magician extraordinaire – and a young man destined for great things if we’re any judge of such matters.

He put on a show. And then we whisked our bloggers into our magic room for Ollie to magically “refresh” their phones, performing a spot of magic that each of them left with a brand spanking new Sony Xperia Z – and a lovely little film of themselves experiencing a spot of O2 wizardry was delivered into their inboxes so they had something to write about the following day. Cunning, eh?

Here’s DayDreaminBlue getting the Ollie B treatment …

Some of the coverage from the night includes the aforementioned DayDreaminBlue, Style & Then Some, Cloak & Swagger, Plug, AndroidBloke, Mobile Industry Review. There have also been positive reviews of the tariff itself from a broad range of sites, including HuffPo, TNW, CNet, TechRadar, Pocket-Lint, ThisIsMoney.

Then we took the whole show on the road to create a spot of social content.

The O2 and Hope&Glory teams hit Twitter and the streets of London to take Ollie out and about to give the public the O2 Refresh treatment. Those following @O2 could find out where Ollie would be and come down, find him and have their handset magically refreshed.

Naturally, we filmed those moments – all the thrill of an upgrade writ large on the public’s faces – to give us some fantastic social content that we’ll be using as a promotion campaign to help spread the message about O2’s shaking up the way that people buy their phones.

Altogether a fantastic campaign – a spot of event-based experience for the media, editorial spun out of the event and a social media and street campaign that tied back into the whole affair.

Lovely piece of work, with particular plaudits going to Gav, Seb, Nic, Don, Dom and the whole O2 team.

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