The all-new Airbnb team has hit the slopes with its first piece of cheeky news gen for our fairly brand-spanking new client
28th January 2015

The all-new Airbnb team has hit the slopes with its first piece of cheeky news gen for our fairly brand-spanking new client

New client Airbnb’s ‘A Night At’ series offers their community the chance to stay in some extraordinary places; places where it has never before been possible to stay.

We helped them shout from the mountaintops about their latest addition; a 2,700 metre high cable car in Courchevel, which for one night only will be converted into a chic and cosy abode for one lucky winner and three guests.

Armed with some fantastic images, the team sold the story in to media and generated coverage on The Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, METRO, Daily Telegraph, Aol. Travel, HUH, Esquire, FastCoGQ, Lost at E Minor, Forbes, Popist, Thrillist … with more pieces set to appear throughout the week and into the weekend.

If you’ve got a head for heights and fancy your chances, you can check out what’s on offer and enter via the Airbnb site.



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