As most of those who know us know, we’re no slouches when it comes to a spot of influencer work.
So it was that, when O2 came to us with the most fashionable premium phone cases around – made by iconic design company STIL – we felt that Instagram’s most fashionable in-crowd would be the best way to spread the word.
So it was that we created a campaign with some of the network’s best-respected (and most followed, it has to be said), trends influencers.
With the likes of Ella Catliff (La Petite Anglaise), Sasha Wilkins (Liberty London Girl), Isaac Carew, Ben Heath, Twenty First Century Gent and Kelly Eastwood all getting involved, we’ve made STIL the hottest cases on the block.
Reach was a little over a half million with over 40,000 engagements. And the sales of the cases as a result have been rising pleasingly.
Here’s what Instagram’s best-dressed did as part of our campaign …
A photo posted by Ben | The Gentleman (@twentyfirstcenturygent) on
A photo posted by Sasha Wilkins – LLG (@libertylndngirl) on
A photo posted by John | The Everyday Man (@theeverydayman) on
A photo posted by Ella Catliff (@lapetiteanglaise) on
Dreaming of escaping… • Phone case by @stil_mind and @o2uk
A photo posted by Joe Pickard (@josephowen) on
A photo posted by Ali Gordon (@aligordon89) on
A photo posted by Kelly Eastwood (@thelondonchatter) on