IKEA’s Breakfast in Bed helps to promote the retailers’ pretty awesome range of bedroom furnishings and furniture …
19th May 2015

IKEA’s Breakfast in Bed helps to promote the retailers’ pretty awesome range of bedroom furnishings and furniture …

Our latest brief from the lovely people at IKEA: promote the notion that there’s “no place like bed”.

But don’t talk about sleep.

So we had a wee spot of a mull and came up with some of the other stuff that you do in bed. But we couldn’t do that either – it’s a family brand after all.

Instead, we came up with IKEA’s first ever Breakfast in Bed Cafe – indeed London’s first such establishment as far as we know.

Listings alone amounted to over 200 pieces of coverage – before we’d even built the damn thing! Highlights came from the Evening Standard, METRO, Wall Street Journal (twice!) on the national front, lifestyle titles such as Glamour, Mashable, PSFK and Dalstonist and blogs including LOPA, Urban Junkies, The Daily Meal, Eater, NGNO, London on the Inside, House of Coco, Le Bonbon, Le Frenchdude, London24, HomeMade and London Calling.

Then things went a bit odd as the story went global.

Thanks to spots on Fox News US, ABC News and then Good Morning America we became a hit Stateside. Then the rest of the U.S. Media started following, with Yahoo! U.S., Time, DesignTaxi and Fortune picking up the story.

All of that meant that, by the time that we came to open the doors on the Cafe itself, we’d nailed 200 pieces of coverage.

An idea so good that just suggesting it might happen smashed the targets!

Anyway, never ones to rest on our laurels, we opened its doors yesterday morning.

Coverage in the bag includes a belter on the Daily Mail, the Evening Standard, CITY AM, Huffington Post, Daily Mirror, Buzzfeed, The Sun.

The coverage – and the word spreading about our slightly silly idea – triggered a massive response from those in social media. According to a TweetReach tracking, the Ikea Breakfast in Bed Cafe has generated over 2,500 original Tweets from over 2,300 people (around 15,000 Tweets if you start including Retweets and replies) and they”ve reached over 17 million people delivering over 25 million impressions. Which is nae bad.

All in all, a pretty good job done when it comes to creating some buzz about “no place like bed”. A simple idea, beautifully executed. Though we do say so ourselves.

The team helped IKEA launch a dreamy new deal, with breakfast for anyone visiting a store in their PJs ... all to help promote their sleep ranges
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