Bored on the beach? Arguing in the Algarve? Perhaps you need to learn the new art of travel …
16th August 2015

Bored on the beach? Arguing in the Algarve? Perhaps you need to learn the new art of travel …

This week the Airbnb team got philosophical with the help of esteemed modern day theorist and all round polymath Alain de Botton.

Inspired to found Airbnb after reading De Botton’s revered work ‘The Art of Travel’ back in 2003 Brian Chesky invited him to speak in San Francisco, and the rest as they say is history.

The team helped promote the release of ‘The New Art of Travel’ to the press, featuring a foreword from Chesky himself, with interview and extracts across The Sunday Times, Financial Times, Independent, and The Daily Telegraph.

Launching the book with an intimate talk from the author in one of Airbnb’s most popular listings, the clock tower in Kings Cross St Pancreas, to a delighted group of media from Vice to Suitcase saw yet more coverage roll in from the lifestyle titles – before whisking Alain off for a day of broadcast interview with the likes of London Live and RTE 1, Ireland’s largest radio station.

Finally the team released research around Briton’s greatest holiday gripes, seeing coverage land in the Daily Star, The Sun and Evening Standard to name a few.

Something of a masterpiece of a partnership, as it all turned out.

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