An eggstravagent week for the Deliveroo team saw us launch a confection that has divided the nation (in a good way)
10th April 2017

An eggstravagent week for the Deliveroo team saw us launch a confection that has divided the nation (in a good way)

Following on from our recent successes with weird food news, this week it was the turn of the Deliveroo team to step up to the plate.

The abnormal Easter announcement is something of a PR tradition. So when we got the call from Deliveroo to say that they wanted to be front of mind in the media as the end of Lent approaches, we couldn’t wait to get cracking on a story to make this so …

Everybody knows the iconic Fiorentina pizza. A perfect balance of mozzarella, tomato, wilted spinach and a single egg. But what if the egg, was a Crème Egg?

This was the initial thinking in the office and following a couple of recipe revisions from Deliveroo partner Crust Bros the “Fior-egg-tina” was born (groan, ed.).

This sweet revision of the savoury classic sees a tomato base replaced with macerated strawberry, mozzarella with mascarpone, spinach with mint and the iconic egg with the even more iconic Cadbury Crème Egg.

An exciting update to a savoury classic we thought and so did the media.

The Evening Standard, METRO, The Sun, Independent, Time Out, OK!, Huffington Post, Prima, Refinery 29, Cosmopolitan, Red, LOTI, Daily Meal … even Time Magazine and Mashable (amongst oh so many others) all dusted off their best egg puns and wrote up the story.

A – wait for it – eggcelent result.

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