Er. Well we are.
And very lovely it is too.
Jo and Carl made our annual pilgrimage to the London International Wine Fair even more pleasurable this year than is usually the case.
It was there that the great and good of the drinks marketing industry gathered to reward those who have done some great work in the category.
It was there too that the judges noted that we’ve done some of that work. They agreed that campaigns like Meantime Hops in a Box and our Berrys’ whisky launch and the media work for the launch of their Jubilee Port warranted our bagging the award.
And that the pair found themselves taking to the stage to accept a rather attractive piece of glassware.
And the rest of us whooping gently when the news got back to us.
Big ups go of course to the whole team. But also and especially to our lovely clients who have supported our daft ideas and given us some belting projects to work with them on over the past 12 months.